So, this story reported in the Caymanian Compass has been bugging me for some time, and begs the question: exactly when is a word obscene, and when is a word considered to be a part of the mainstream, inclusive of usage and context. My research indicates that "Rass" is actualy derived from "ass", though others use it as a general exclamation of frustration.
My personal yardstick has been the possible use of the word by my child (or children), and personally, should my son ever use the word 'rass' in my presence or otherwise, I will be sure to knock his teeth right down his throat. Same goes for 'damn'.
If one should read the article as linked, please note that I have no problem with the posting of the sign on someone's private property, and the owner's grievance is a legitimate one.
My problem lies with the element of hypocricy associated with the publication and quotaton of the sign's content in the newspaper, and the fact that it seems to have gone unnoticed by an Island that constantly flaunts its so-called Christian values. This I would expect from the Cayman Net News, but not the Caymanian Compass which often describes the Net News as the 'tabloid' newspaper. It is also widely rumoured that articles in the Compass are often subject to various forms of censorship. As the so-called Christian society that does not allow Sunday trading and for which we are subject to the embarrassing and hipocritical New Year's debacle, how can the Rass claat Compass and the powers that be justify the publication of "Rass" in the Newspaper article?
On that rass note, I shall now exit.
No Sunday trading and closing times of night clubs are among my biggest peeves here in the Cayman Islands.
Haha, ok 'Fro it was derived from ass, so what was the 'r' in it supposed to represent? Was just wondering if it was supposed to be the 1st letter of a word describing said ass (like r--- ass?).
Whadya mean no Sunday Trading MB? No stores at all open on Sundays? None? Well, maybe that's a good thing - forces people to 'remember the sabbath' hehe.
Gela, 'R' came from the combination of 'your' and 'ass' (not yours, of course...tee hee) As in 'R ass!.
Broken english, slang and fast speech patterns eventually combined the 2 words to form Rass.
Some stores are open on Sundays(gas stations, some mini marts AND BARS!!!), but not supermarkets.
Souvenir stores are allowed to open when cruise ships are in.
Therefore, I can get drunk on Sunday, but I can't pick up groceries. Go figure.
strange that they dont allow trading on sunday, here its out of choice though we are also "staunch" chrstians or so we claim to be .
I do not encourage the use of crass language, Interesting article though.
RASS is one favourite cuss words. But I have a potty mouth. I behave around my dad and kids tho..
and why the RASS can't u shop on sunday? Aint u working all week??!
lol. Well I use the same children measuring stick as you. If I don't want them saying it then it shouldn't be printed. These days though those are baby stuff to the things that coming in the media.
Rass is the mildest of mild in Guyana.
When I tell folks the Jamaican cuss words, they laugh...those words mean nothing here.
Old people read my blog so I try to keep it clean but sometimes a s*it [spit] or two get loose.
I don't normally cuss though, it just was never me.
Oh, how about made up cuss words...do they count as being bad? I make up lots when dealing with bad drivers and taxes.
You know say I just realise that its THIS New Years Eve you talking about! I thought it was last year! Didn't they do some of the same ra$$ foolishness last year!? Why this year, when I am contemplating chilling here in Cayman for the Christmas? Aaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!
We'll just have to keep a bottle party then! What sez you!
G'Gal: Feel yur pain wid the drivers, though not the taxs, unless I try'in t bring a likkle bit o'cargo to the Island from Miami. I not admitting seh I try to evade them, cuz that would be illegal bu in the world of finance, I does try a likkle 'tax avoidance'... ; )
MB: I considering the bottle party REAL hard. Last year New Year's was on a Saturday this year a Sunday, so the law still applies. The only benefit, is that we get back the extra day on Monday.
Keep me posted 'bout the bottle party, and I will let you know if anything comes up on my end...I am still considering going to Jamaica to celebrate, and my Jamaican visa has not expired as yet ;)
as a media man i'm totally against profanity in the press. but rass man, sometimes u jus waan cut loose wit som bad words an let ppl hav it. i love the sign. i mite hav used som mo. Stay off me rassclath lan or u rass clath gwine wind up in a rass of a situation yuh rasshole gon cyaan handle rass.
No Sunday shopping in my part of the world either.Well,only around Christmas time
Kai Pumpkin,
I think that you need some mo' breeze blowing cross yu butt crack to calm you down.
Mi nah know who piss you off, but I apologise on their behalf!
Necessary from time to time in the press as long as there is a story and it advances it.
However in my personal life sometimes that is the only epithet (sp?) that can truly express how I fell like now.
Hair haffi set an' mi caan fin' $$$ fi do dat and get a mani an' pedi -- Rass!
your point is very good... I never knew rass had a meaning... lol... I guess u r rite... I wouldnt want my children if i had sayin these words either...
OK, it's official. I'm going to write to the Blogger Censor Board (BCB) and have them put a PG18 rating on your blog. It's bad enuf that you have curse word in the body of the blog, but to allow those expletive-laced comments is taking it a bit far.
Ra$$ man!! What do I need to do to get some clean family reading???
Is it Cayman Island that all parties had to be finished by midnight last new year eve? Or was it Trinidad?
Rahtid! Me tink say you woulda write up sup'm podn de Third World concert areddy! :o
The double standard in our societies pisses me off sometimes, to rass.
LOL @ MB! I couldn't believe the ridiculous times the clubs close in Cayman. I was so shocked the time i went to club when I visited.
clubs close at 12??!!!!lawd!!!dats wen i usually head to de club.
@Princess Jibi: Welcome to my world
@Gela: Is not only me have the rahtid (note the variaton??) potty mouth.
@MB: I waitin on you to do the post on te concert. I am still recoverin!!
I liked it.
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