Sunday, October 12, 2008

Our Loss, Heaven's Gain...

We always try to employ all forms of reasoning in an often futile attempt to understand the travesties that we as human beings can mete out on one another, as means of coping with loss.

Some immerse themselves in the realm of television and other forms of escapism, trying to find that happy ending where ever they can, cynically knowing that the odds are stacked against them in the true drama that is real life. Those peaceful periods of time, fraught with "happily ever afters", where notions of eternal love reign supreme, and final credits roll to the tune of whimsical theme songs; us leaving theatres with happy sighs and smiles, when all mysteries are solved to our satisfaction, and the nefarious villain ultimately named. "Who", "why", "what", "where" and "when", all rolled together into a neat little package.

Here I sit, knowing that there will never be "happily ever after", as I ponder our islands’ recent loss, feeling somewhat numb; thinking about her family, and we that will forever be affected by a tragic void that can never be filled. Knowing that the semblance of peace and idealism that has been an integral aspect of our small island lifestyle, has forever been shatterd, as we alter our thinking to look at our neighbours with wary suspicion, and speculation reigns supreme, as we attempt to rationalise these events, as a means of bringing about closure.

Coupled with my own sense of loss, and whilst the saying “…there, but for the grace of god, goes I…” resounds in my head, I remain ever so proud of her. She who has left an indelible legacy for one so young, making her mark via the mechanisms of her activism; her effervescent personality; her spirit, and through those that she loved, and we who in turn loved her.

Though her murderer(s) took her life, they can never take that away from her, or from us. Never one to take a spiritual bent on things, I thought the title of this post most appropriate. I need to feel that she is in a better place as my own personal coping mechanism.

I don't even know what note to exit on.




Unknown said...

Sorry to hear about the loss. Hmm, I wonder if you are talking about a lady that was found dead in her car in Cayman. Because I just read an email in my corporate email about an employee to the Company I work for in Cayman who was found dead in her car. It is indeed sad when things like these happen and gives a morbid fear of the world in which we live.

Abeni said...

Sorry. Life has a way of jolting us when we least expect.That;s why we have to try to make all our moments count.


Anonymous said...

This is so incredibly sad. My heart goes out to her family and hope they are able to make sense of this tragic loss.

Will said...

i'm sorry for your loss... i'm also sorry for all that this loss represents... the implications are so far-reaching...

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it is rough! I didn't know er, but the murder(s) are some cold hearted sons of bitches.
My condolences go out to her and to her family.

Yeah, Mr. Stunner. You right, star.

Jdid said...

didnt hear about this but my condolences. sucks!

Anonymous said...

The rancid smell of death is everywhere. I send you towers of strength Mighty Afroditee. Chin up.

ruthibel said...

sorry to hear about the loss.

Life does that.

BUt we who live to see another day just have to remember the blessing that is...

Anonymous said...

Hey, we need to talk about a blogger linkup, see here :

Crankyputz said...

My prayers and Hugs are being sent your way.

Anonymous said...


Pirates Week Fireworks and Steel Pan Pics and Videos are up on my blog.