Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Songbird (Sonnet)

Larynx versed to emit soothing cadence,
Poised and isolated from the daily rigors,
Music the sultry solace from savage ambivalence,
The songbird croons with passionate vigor.
Feathers supposedly unruffled by life’s torrential gusts,
Chorus to blend harmoniously with the howling pitch,
Immune to despair, dismay, distress and disgust,
Sensuous duet, only Mother Nature can exhibit.
Perched perilously - vulnerable, fighting tumultuous odds,
Crooning copyrighted lyrics for public consumption,
True representative for the call of the Gods,
Timbre resonating soulfully as Deity’s articulation;
Morosely, eventually defiled as pollutants erode its core,
Wheezing, critically out of sync, the Songbird will sing no more.

...and on that note, I shall now exit.





Unknown said...

Interesting and solemn poem Afroditee.

gishungwa said...

this is beautiful

Anonymous said...

You've become quite the poet as of late!

Jdid said...

songbird please sing another one